How To Raise Money For A Business

With The 6 Quick FIX Funding Methods Guide, you'll get the funding tools that you need to use to generate cash quickly and avoid cash shortages.
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Why focus on this now when you have so many other things to do? 



Of small businesses fail due to cash flow issues.

Source: inGenium


Of all startups fail because they run out of cash at some point
Source: Fortune

Companies that presell  their products and services close 40 to 50%  more leads and retain 80 to 90% more customers.

Source: Forbes

As an early-stage entrepreneur, you work crazy long hours, juggling as many job roles as possible without collapsing. You are the CEO, marketing director, manufacturing coordinator, and e-commerce guru, sometimes all on the same day. 

While this lifestyle isn’t for everyone and can often be lonely, your passion for your product (or service) pulls you through. That very same passion has led you to this point, the point of needing funding. Your business is growing; however, you need that extra capital, or maybe just working capital (aka cash!), to take off and scale.

What you’ve heard is true: it can take six or more months to raise money through friends and family, angel investors, and VCs. 

But how do you get funding or simply raise some cash quickly as an early-stage venture? Do you ask friends and family? Do you crowdfund? Use angel investors? Or even take out a loan?

There’s a lot of conflicting information out there about the best way to raise money, so I don't blame you if you’re confused. The “best” way varies widely depending on the needs of your business.  Instead, let’s think about the quickest ways that entrepreneurs generate cash.

You will learn about:

  • Donation-Based Crowdfunding
  • Business Grants
  • Current & Future Customer Funding
  • Getting Equipment Financing or Factoring
  • Incubators & Accelerators
  • Friends & Family Financing
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“Having Deb on your team means you will win!”

-Craig Spitzer, CEO, a2c.

"I don't know what the optimal time is [for raising money], but I know when that time comes, having someone like our new potential advisor will definitely give us legitimacy and help with getting customers and raising money.”

-Jack Winston, Founder, Present

Hi Founders and Friends -


Throughout my career, I've spoken to HUNDREDS of investors, scaled successful businesses, and learned a lot about which ventures get funded (and which ones don't). 


Broad of Directors’ programs are for early-stage entrepreneurs who want winning formulas, a proven framework, and simple step-by-step guides for scaling their venture.


-Deb Perkins, Founder, Broad of Directors

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